Decortiave Quartz Epoxy Flooring Systems
Our PlexiQuartz decorative flooring system will provide an attractive, architectural finish to your floor, while also offering chemical resistance. Quartz floors are a popular choice for restroom installations due to their attractive look, chemical resistance, and safe texture.

Decorative Flake Epoxy Flooring Systems
Our PlexiFlake flooring system is a highly decorative epoxy system that provides a terrazzo-like appearance with the benefits of what a seamless epoxy floor has to offer. Along with being a decorative floor, flake floors are also chemical resistant and come in an array of color options. The level of slip resistance can also be customized in flake floors to provide a smooth or more rough texture to the floor, based on the client’s needs. These floors are typically installed in restrooms, veterinary clinics, and light-use commercial spaces.
Heavy-Duty Troweled Systems
Our PlexiClad system is a power-troweled resurfacer system that will withstand heavy traffic, and also offers high abrasion, impact and acid resistance. Novolac topcoats can be added to this system to provide high chemical resistance. This type of flooring system is typically installed in commercial kitchens and manufacturing facilities.

Urthane Mortar Systems
Plexi-Chemie’s PlexiCrete line of urethane mortar systems all offer thermal shock, chemical resistance, are non-slip and impact resistant, odorless, are VOC compliant, and contain no BBP. The PlexiCrete system can be customized for the client’s architectural needs. The system can either be a solid color, or made to be more decorative with the addition of flake or quartz on top.
MMA Flooring Systems
Our PlexiRez MMA system is most offent used as part of an installation using PlexiQuartz, PlexiCrete or PlexiFlake. MMA will offer the highest degree of resistance to thermal, mechanical, chemical, and UV attack. The use of PlexiRez is most appropriate in environments where superior wear characteristics, scratch resistance, and chemical resistance are desired. Typical installation for the PlexiRez system include food processing, pulp and paper processing, the chemical industry, laboratories, grocery stores, coolers, and freezers.

Epoxy Wall Systems
Our wall systems can be installed in conjunction with any of our flooring systems to provide protection from impact, chemical abuse, and thermal cycling.
Epoxy Coating Systems
Our coating systems are highly customizable based on the need of your facility.

Comfort Flooring Systems
Our Rubberthane SRF seamless rubber flooring system offers an architectural, decorative flooring system combined with excellent chemical resistance. The main attraction for this system is that it also offers excellent shock absorption and is sound deadening. The Rubberthane floor is a comfortable floor that you can stand on for long periods of time. This system is a suitable replacement for rubber floor tiles, sheet goods, and quarry tile. But, unlike these types of materials, Rubberthane is 100% seamless. There are no joints where water could stand, dirt could collect, or bacteria could grow. This is a poured in place system, mixed on site, taking the place of a glued-down tile system, thus further ensuring a bacteria-free surface.
Pitching and Leveling
Plexi-Chemie can rehabilitate worn concrete or provide pitching/sloping to drains in preparation for coatings or overlayments. PlexiClad Deep Fill exhibits exceptional strength while offering excellent chemical resistance.

Mechanical Surface Preparation
Concrete Analysis